August 24, 2011

7 Awards In IPA 2011


Really happy that I won 7 Honorable Mention awards in this year’s International Photography Award.

Granted there wasn’t any Gold, Silver or Bronze award this time round, but there’s always room for more next year and it’s a truly enriching experience each time we submit images for competitions.

Here are the images that were awarded

In Wedding Category,

Elated I managed 2 awards in Architecture Category also, considering I barely get around to shoot much street photography nowadays.

About IPA:
The International Photography Awards is a sister-effort of the Lucie Foundation, where the top three winners are announced at the annual Lucie Awards ceremony. The awards event will be held at the Lincoln Center in New York on October 24, 2011, before returning to Los Angeles in 2012 in celebration of the 10-year anniversary. Over 8,000 submissions from 90 countries were received for the 2011 International Photography Awards with over 70 jurors, the largest to date. The Foundation’s mission is to honor master photographers, discover new and emerging talent, and promote the appreciation of photography. IPA is dedicated to recognizing contemporary photographers’ accomplishments in this specialized and highly visible competition. Visit for more details.

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