June 1, 2008

East Shooters Outing

Model Shoot

Haha… Joined an East Shooters (ES) outing for the first time today

met up with many like minded enthusiasts… who has only one thing on their mind, which is to shoot shoot shoot! muahaha

Many thanks to Edwin for organizing the session.

Although I din shoot much, and the fact that it rained, did not dampen my spirits and I made quite a few new friends along the way, making it all worthwhile.

3 cheers to the jovial ES gang. See you guys again soon on future outings 😀

Here are some shots from the day (Click to Enlarge)

My fav shot… is of … … myopia (his ClubSnap nickname) muahahaha 😀

Like I said, din shoot much so this is about it. Take care everyone and have a great week ahead.

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