August 23, 2009



Have been workin non-stop since start of the year. With the added pressure of starting a new home, life has been hectic to say the least. I have finally finished moving most of my stuff over to my new apartment and just penned my first blog post from my study! hehehe

Hong Kong was my planned holiday destination, but due to some delay from the reno works, we had to change plans and is now heading to nearby Genting Highlands for a short 3 day break instead. In fact, I will be heading to the pickup point in about 4 hours.

I won’t be bringing my laptop with me this time round, so you guys won’t be able to reach me via e-mail, but keep the inquiries coming as I will surely get back to you as soon as I am back.

On a sidenote, we are closing the bookings for the October Melbourne Promo in a few days. So for those interested, please contact Joho asap.

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