December 29, 2008

Daren & Michelle – The Wedding


Phew… What a day!!

Joy, sweat, stress and touched all in a day.

It started with a very early makeup and a super cute gatecrash (I was sweating like crazy as usual haha), then it was stress time for me as I had to churn out the express slideshow within 3 hours for the Luncheon held at Marriot Hotel. Even had to shoot JPG (i usually shoot in RAW) because I had to edit on the fly at Daren & Michelle’s new home. It wasn’t the ideal choice as I am not familiar with their system and the monitor was not calibrated, I had a tough time with the colors and as you can see in the slideshow… the colors are still off! hahaha (do bear with me and just enjoy the moments captured keke).

But we were blessed with great light when we reached La Casa, and managed to squeeze in a few portraits that I feel D&M would be pleased with.

I was impressed by the military style march in during the banquet and was totally touched when D&M thanked me on stage. (Yes, it is not often photographers get thanked on stage hor! haha) But I wasn’t like tearing or anything lar … i was doing this (Click thumbnail to enlarge)

Frequent readers will know I usually don’t write so much for a wedding entry, but D&M are officially my last couple for 2008 and since they are so sweet to me (& my wife) all the time, I shall end this entry with a lovely shot taken on their wedding day and to Daren and Michelle… a big big “THANK YOU” for having me around on your big day!

(Click on this image to go to D&M’s express slideshow)

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