July 2, 2010

For the Love of the Game


Alot of my peers and couples always ask me…

Michael, why don’t you do more pre-wedding/bridals? It’s good for you. Better portfolio, less work (most of the time), less stress = easier money.

Which is true to a certain extent,  cos if I am using logic and being smart about my career, I would/should go full steam into pre-wedding/bridals instead. However, sometimes in life, it ain’t all about money and it ain’t all about fame. Sometimes, it’s for the love of the game.

In my case, my game is to capture the unadulterated moments in time on the biggest day of their lives! That longing look, a loving embrace or the warm smile, which my couples would look back fondly upon years later and remember why they are meant for each other.

I kid you not that I get a serious high from grabbing these images!

I guess, it’s probably gotta do with my street shooting background. Lotsa walking, climbing, prone-ing, waiting, all for the perfect composition with the right subject that happens to pass me by. Much like how someone would sit and wait for hours on end, to get a fish on a hook. The wait feels like an eternity, but when I get it right, it is my heaven.

Yes, covering actual wedding days is hard work, no doubt about it. And if I am being completely honest, not every wedding is a blast, but therein lies the challenge, to wait for that one single moment of magic. Those who know me will know that I am a very patient man and i will wait for that, for the love of the game.

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