December 31, 2011

Goodbye to a great 2011 . Hello to Awesome 2012!!!


It has been a great 2011. With many memorable milestones, lotsa firsts and very little regret!
On behalf of the entire EJ Team, I thank you for all the support thus far, and we look forward to serving you better in the years ahead!
Here’s wishes everyone a smashing new year.

On a more personal note, here’s a recap of my resolutions for the new year!!!

2012 resolution #1 – Lead a healthier lifestyle and shed off my (baby) fats hehehe

2012 resolution #2 – To organize my work better, so as to spend more time with my family

2012 resolution #3 – To improve my photography and DI skills

2012 resolution #4 – To not just be social media connected, but also more connected to the real world

2012 resolution #5 – To give back to society n help the needy

2012 resolution #6 – To be a better Son, Husband, Father, Friend & Colleague!

2012 resolution #7 – To read at least 1 book (comics, magazines and story books does not count) a month and be more knowledgeable

2012 resolution #8 – Lead expressively jOhO to a whole new level of photographic and service excellence AWESOMENESS!!

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