May 1, 2013

I like it BIG!!!


Aside from ever changing (and hopefully improving) works of art, my personal blog here has stayed pretty much the same for much of the last 5 years. That’s soon to change though, with a bit of a directional, aesthetics and name changes.

Today we get a sneak peak of what the new direction is about, and the first time my enchanting blog’s title has changed. Yep, it’s gonna be called The Visual Artisan henceforth. All that on top of a refreshing change to the blog layout. I love this new layout as it gives my images more room to express themselves, in this age of HD (or higher resolution) LCD panels. But let’s not get too comfy with all that’s going on here as I promise there’s gonna be more shake up real soon.

Meanwhile, keep an eye out for more updates from me regarding this big change in the near future.

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