February 11, 2009

Michael on expressivelyjOhO


No.. it’s not some raunchy sex thingie, although it does sound suggestive 😛

What I mean is that, the expressivelyjOhO website has finally been relaunched and my works are fully featured there along with new, never seen before works by Jonathan Ho.

We have been working late nights, trying to get the website up and I am relieved it’s finally here. (3 cheers to all involved in the process)

Do check it out and drop us your comments (if any) on our new layout/design ya!

Oh.. and I have been too busy of late to come up with new wedding slideshows, but I managed to do up a new one for the new website, featuring Desmond and Hazel. I will try to upload it here when I have a bit more time, but for those who cannot wait, you can check it out under collections at the new site.

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