February 4, 2010



Usually when I can’t get to sleep, I will probably be reflecting on my life. My failures and accomplishments comes to light during the wee hours in the morning. hehe

Recently, I hadn’t got the luxury to do so due to my extremely packed schedule. Even as I sit here wide awake at 0539hrs, I couldn’t afford time to take pity on myself. Instead, I worked on something I told myself to, but hadn’t got around to doing for quite some time. Which is to update my wordpress engine and theme.

I am quite pleased with this new layout which is very “Applish” and it’s probably the “IN” thing at the moment. but I really just like it for it’s simplicity, those who knows me will know that I am not the best advocate for apple products! hahahaa… but that’s a story for another day.

I will try to sleep AGAIN 🙁 but before I do, here’s wishing everyone a great day ahead!

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