December 6, 2013

The Fellowship Panel


They always say, save the best for last. And so it is, I have received the greatest piece of news for the year in December!

It is with great honor and joy to announce that I’ve managed to attain fellow status, the highest qualification within the Master Photographers Association. The award is for photographers who have exhibited an individual, innovative, artistic and creative style in their submission demonstrating that they are at the leading edge in the art of photography.

The last 5 years has been a hell of a roller coaster ride, and I am just glad all the trials and tribulations have culminated in a fascinating end to 2013. Of course, the hard work doesn’t stop here. There’s still a long way to go, in the never ending road to perfect my craft, and I’m sure I will push on with even more vigour, in the next part of my journey.

I would not have been able to present this panel to you peeps today, if not for these wonderful people in the industry. Jonathan Ho, my partner over at expressively jOhO, for helping me realize I have what it takes to become a professional photographer and giving me to platform to grow. Ryan Wong Teck Yan, my mentor for all my MPA grading panels over the years. You have given us your time and knowledge selflessly and I am truly glad to have someone like you around. James Tan, the ultimate master printer. Dey, if it’s not for you, my images will not be as clean as it can be today. Your constant hawk-eyeing on my edits when I submit works for you to print, made me strive to be better each day.

Edward Lean, you certainly deserve an important mention here too. Your prints are beautiful and taking time out from your leave and off days to help us with our prints, you are da best! Chris Woon, the resourceful energizer bunny! Bro, your lobangs and help driving us here and there is much appreciated, and I must say your never ending energy is infectious!!

Of course, I would not be able to show you any of these images had it not been the support of all my wonderful couples over the years, special mention to Michael Koh, Rienne Wan, KC Pang, Jonathan Thng, Renny Koh, Sophia Koh, Cheoh Wee Keat, Vanessa Sng, Yuxuan Zhang, Joyce Lee, Teo Jing Ting, Rachel Shuwei, Alicia Thong, Zepplin Seah, Freddy Ng, Teo Seow Yee, Malcolm Chu Mingshun & Jolene Chen for appearing in my panel of images. Thank you all so very much!!

Much thanks also to the judges Clare Louise, William Ng, Matthew Tan and Keda Z. Feng who spent 2 grueling days scrutinizing panel after panel of works and also for deeming my works, worthy of fellow status.

I know I am getting a little bit long winded here, but there’s so many people and things to be grateful for, I could go on for days, haha. But it’s probably better to end off here. Anyone else not mentioned here, I will again thank personally!!

Michael Chan

Here are the panel of 20 images that passed the fellowship judging. Enjoy 🙂

[flickr_set id="72157641116693143"]
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