November 6, 2009



I am back in SG and is very happy to announce that while I was away in Melbourne, I attained my associateship with MPA (Master Photographer Association), when a panel of esteemed judges passed the set of images which I had prepared beforehand.

Major bummer that I was unable to be there personally for the judging, but I have learnt lots throughout the preparation process, which should stand me in good stead.

Special thanks to Ryan Wong, William Ng, James Tan and Joho who gave me pointers here and there, which will benefit me to no end in the future.

Big thanks to all my couples,your love drives me on each day.

Thanks to every photographer out there who inspires me with their gorgeous works.

Lastly, thanks to my wifey, who had to endure many nights without me by her side due to my work and preparation for the grading, I love you dearie!

1 of the image submitted for grading

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