December 23, 2009

And the award goes to ……


Just completed the smashing wedding of Dominic & Adelene yesterday and to descibe the process as a super fun helluva ride is not even cutting it close. Shy-Dom & In-Your-Face-Adel is the perfect couple in every way and is true testimont that opposites attract! The wedding was filled with joy, touching speeches and moving tears. The bridal party was super ONz (not to mention chio & handsome! haha), what more can we expect!

It was also the first time out between myself and SteadiSeah (Sean Seah of Firewerkz Films) and I would expect to see more collaborations in the future as he is one fantastic videographer. We even concurred that the award of Most Hospitable Bride of 2009 should go to Adelene as she strived to make sure everyone at the wedding had the most enjoyable time and that includes both Sean, myself and my assistant Sebas. I even had drinks delivered to me in the middle of the phototaking session! Good service? I think so! haha

Thanks Dom & Adel again for having us around!

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