June 27, 2014

Keep calm & fire


As exciting as it might be for first time photographers covering a wedding (and to some extent, even for some who have experienced a fair few weddings), the march in shot, can be rather daunting.

A number of photographers have told me before that they are really nervous when it comes to the march in.

Well, I always assure them that with self belief, good technicals and equipment know how, the wedding march can really become one of the easiest shots we can manage in the entire wedding day.

Compared to the rest of the day, when most things happen in a split second and we have to fight our way through the wedding crowd to get the best angle/shot out, having the couple march down an aisle with no one else in your way for a good 5 – 30 seconds, really is not that difficult if you think about it.

A bit of an advise for those starting out,

1) Don’t get caught in the moment. Realize there’s really a bit more time than you think there is, and relax for the march in.

2) Be prepared! Always have your flash on at least one of the cameras (even if you like to shoot receptions without flash on), in case the spot light on the couple is not ideal or reception power trips halfway! you never know! shit may happen! lol

3) At the start of the march in, try to be stationary at the side/end of the aisle, as that will help keep you steady enough to grab a good shot (even when you do so without flash).

4) Once you are sure you’ve got a good shot in the bag, it doesn’t hurt to move around quickly to find another spot/angle and try for an artistic/alternative take.

5) Although this last bit is more of a preference, I would advise photographers to not back trek while photographing and follow the couple as they march down the aisle. Firstly, it’s difficult to get a shot out while you are moving. Secondly, the aisle should really just be for the couple and no one else, photographers and videographers included. As much as possible, we should not take the attention away from the couple’s glorious moment. And lastly, if we trip and fall while back trekking, well… I guess I don’t need to say much more hehe

So just keep calm and fire off those wonderful shots yep!


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