February 17, 2008

Farewell & Good Luck


Dear Colleagues at TMRG,

We have been through thick and thin and as I leave for my new post in district HQ, I bring nothing but fond memories from the past 4 years.

Over the years, we worked hand in hand and finally made TMRG the number 1 Route Group in 2007. Although I will not be around to reap the rewards of our hard work, I feel really proud to say we are number 1, and that itself, is rewarding enough.

In fact I believe all of you should feel the same, especially the Bus Captains (whom are often misunderstood).

“Bus Captains who bring us home from work, to gatherings and entertainment. Some will dismiss them as lowly educated brutes and some barely even lay eyes on these wonderful beings whenever they board their bus.

But they toil on for you and me, working tirelessly, making sure we get to our destination on time. I salute everyone of you bus captains (pillars of our society).”

Wish all a prosperous year ahead and 出入平安.

I will miss you guys =)

And thanks alot for throwing me a wonderful farewell/pre-birthday party 🙂


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