January 22, 2016

Goodbye, Rochor Centre

Land and City Scapes

As we are going to soon witness another iconic bunch of buildings bite the dust due to our country’s lack of land and ongoing expansion. I found some time in between errands to take a short walk around Rochor Centre, to take in the sights and make some pictures, my way of saying goodbye to another landmark, which served as the spot of fond memories for many Singaporeans out there.

I hope to be back again, especially at night, to see that different side of the colorful buildings. But it very much depends on my workload, so don’get torn down too soon!!

By the way, the majority of the images here are taken on the Canon EOS 1D-X with the ultra wide angle lens, EF 11-24mm f/4L which is an amazingly good product with great distortion control and awesome center and corner sharpness at all apertures. A huge shout out to Canon Singapore for being so gracious to allow me some time to test out the capability of said lens.

– Michael Chan –

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