July 28, 2016

Sydney Pre-wedding: Nigel & Edith


Just look at their smiles, you can tell how much fun they have in each other’s companies 🙂
It’s been a rainy morning, and here’s hoping these photos bring a smile to your face as well!

Nigel Edith Bridal

Nigel Edith Bridal

Nigel Edith Bridal

Nigel Edith Bridal

Nigel Edith Bridal


Nigel Edith Bridal

Nigel Edith Bridal

Nigel Edith Bridal

Nigel Edith Bridal

Nigel Edith Bridal

Nigel Edith Bridal

Nigel Edith Bridal Nigel Edith Bridal

Nigel Edith Bridal

Nigel Edith Bridal

Nigel Edith Bridal

Nigel Edith Bridal

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