May 14, 2008

The day I met Eunice Chua

Model Shoot

I remember it was a Sunday.

I had promised a friend that I will help him out with a studio shoot.

He said I could learn how to set up the lights and he promised the presence of beautiful babes

I jumped at the chance for one of the above reasons 😆

true enough I learned a bit on lighting and there were babes on show…

Sassy and Beautiful Eunice being one of them

To Eunice : It was nice meeting you and I wish you all the best in your career

Here’s a few pics to document my day spent at the studio with Eunice. (all taken with ambient lights)

Click to enlarge

1st must put on the mandatory make up…

Then can take portraits….

I sneaked this 2 from under the photographer’s nose

Of course, no photoshoot is complete with the NGs and behind the scenes… haha

Oh. There are shots of the photographer too. But I don’t wish to spoil everyone’s appetite so… 😆

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