July 13, 2010



I have been blessed with more than a truckload of fantastic clients/couples during my career thus far. And I am really thankful for all the care, concern, respect, support & love that they showered upon me all this while. I could have been just that camera man who was snooping around for their wedding day, and easily be forgotten a year after. But I am really glad that isn’t the case and that I have built some fantastic friendships along the way, long may this continue.

This was none more evident than last night when I met with a very jovial couple Wenxiang & Irene! Before I could even say, “please take a sit on my comfy couch”, I was fed with nice crispy chicken wings and mouth watering brownies! I did not even have to pull out any drinks from my fridge! Which is probably a first for me! hahaha We went on to have a smashing great time, not just chatting about images or my career but about everything that led us to where we are now and it was really amazing to find out that we have so much in common! It went from common friends who had their weddings covered by me, to us all living in Tampines (in fact Wenxiang is living right next to my block lar! haha), to a common primary school and shockingly common secondary school too! Wenxiang even proposed to Irene @ Jewel box which was near to/exactly the same place I proposed to my wife years ago!

It’s amazing that despite all these similarities, I totally would not have gotten to know them, had I not become a photographer. Now that will be a real bummer.

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