January 7, 2016

A Photo A Day 2016 – Week 1

Life of a photographer

I wasn’t going anywhere with my photography hobby for years, until I started the “APAD” – A Photo A Day Project about 10 years ago. I’ve grown a whole lot since then in terms of my photography and post processing skills. My eye for detail has also improved leaps and bounds and I can only attribute it to the project I started from all those years ago. It dictated that I need to make a nice image every single day, and to achieve that, I had a camera with me at all times. Tiring as it is, lugging a camera everywhere I went, I began to notice more of the beauty that surrounds us, amidst the noise and crowd that is Singapore.

I stopped working on the project, once my photography career kicked into high gear, and things got way too busy with work and at home with my 2 kids. But I was thinking at the turn of the year, that we should always strive to keep improving, no matter how “professional” or “skilled” we have become. There is always that next level that we should always aspire to climb to, and with that aim, I thought there is no better way to do it, then to start off the APAD project again despite the craziness of work and family life.

I hope to document bits and pieces of my own life, the people I love, and meet over the year. Hopefully in the process, I can be a better husband, son, father, friend and photographer for it.

Here is my first week of 2016, in review. Check back again in 7 days for more APAD photos from me 😀 Cheers!!

Michael Chan





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